Andreea Țarălungă
Definitive Lawyer
Graduated Law School, Bucharest State University.
LL.M in “Judicial Career” – Law School, Nicolae Titulescu University
Graduated The National Institute for the Preparation and Improvement of Lawyers.
Member of the Bucharest Bar.
Romanian, English, Spanish, Italian.
Andreea Ţarălungă has a wide proficiency in assisting Romanian and foreign Clients in legal procedures regarding operations for companies, consultancy in real estate, commercial cases and environment projects.
Her experience as a pleading lawyer includes representation of companies in employment litigation, land register operations, in cases regarding the recovery of the real property and other associated rights, the legality of the administrative acts issued by the public authorities.
She also collaborates in analyzing and drafting legal documents in civil law, commercial contracts.

Răzvan Țarălungă
Definitive Lawyer
Graduated Law School, Bucharest State University.
LL.M in “Judicial Career”, Law School, Nicolae Titulescu University, Bucharest.
Graduated The National Institute for the Preparation and Improvement of Lawyers.
Member of the Bucharest Bar.
Romanian, English, French
Răzvan Ţarălungă has experience in proceedings regarding the foundation of companies, in legal concultancy projects in matter of capital markets, stock markets and contributes in drafting legal documents.
He has represented foreign and local clients in Court cases regarding debt recovery, insolvency procedure, in liquidations, criminal law, fiscal procedures and employment law.